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"I may have started using fdp’s services a little late, at the end of what we call our clinical training. Despite that, I think I’ve forged a fairly close relationship with my advisor, and did so quite quickly. I never felt like I was just a number. The idea is to find products tailored to my work/life balance."
Dr. Maxime Caron-Goudreau, Resident anesthesiologist
"There’s a good deal of overlap in terms of the relationships I try to develop with my own clients and fdp’s approach. But with fdp, the roles are reversed: I’m the client who doesn’t know much about the financial sector, and they’re here to guide me and answer my questions."  
Andrei Roman,  Notary 
Some enriching reading material
Financial and estate planning, In focus, In the media, News
Holidays and financial management with Léa Saadé on LCN

Léa Saadé, Regional Vice-President, Montreal Centre, North Shore, was on LCN on Saturday, July 20, giving viewers of Québec Matin, hosted by Simon Gamache Fortin, tips on how to enjoy a stress-free vacation.

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In focus, In the media, News, Taxation and incorporation
Marc-André Lavergne discusses AI in entracte

Marc-André Lavergne, tax specialist at fdp Private management, summarizes, in the latest issue of entracte, the magazine of the Chambre des notaires du Québec, the thoughts of the Symposium sur l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur les professions de la planification financière et fiscale related to the notarial profession.

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Financial panorama, In focus, Investment and markets, News
What moved the markets in June

Growth in U.S. markets and weakness in the Canadian market. Gradual slowdown in the U.S. and Canadian economies.

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