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Montreal, January 23, 2020 –Once again, Professionals’ Financial has distinguished itself by receiving several FundGrade A+® Awards at the Evening of Excellence held by Fundata Canada Inc. in Toronto on January 23, 2020. This year, three of our FDP portfolios received an award:

FDP Balanced Portfolio, Series A achieved the FundGrade A+® rating in the Canadian Neutral Balanced funds category, competing against 400 other funds;

FDP Balanced Income Portfolio, Series A achieved the FundGrade A+® rating in the Canadian Fixed Income Balanced funds category, competing against 355 other funds;

FDP Global Equity Portfolio, Series A   achieved the FundGrade A+® rating in the Global Equity  funds category, competing against 1100 other funds.

Our mutual investment funds have performed very well and they have stood out in 2019. Our efficient management of risk and the capacity of our funds to post good returns in variable market conditions highlight our managers’ experience and expertise”, explains Mr. François Landry, Vice-president and Chief Investment Officer at Professionals’ Financial. “These three Fundata FundGrade A+® Awards confirm once again the Financial’s privileged position in Canada’s financial sector and we are very proud of this accomplishment!

Highly prized in the industry, the FundGrade A+®  Awards are presented to Canadian investment funds that not only post the best performances, but that have also systematically maintained outstanding risk-adjusted returns throughout the previous calendar year. Less than 6% of all the funds available on the Canadian market manage to achieve the rating required to belong to this select group.

About Fundata Canada inc.

FDP Balanced Portfolio, Series A received the FundGrade A+® Award in the Canadian Neutral Balanced funds category, out of a total of 400 funds competing in this category as defined by the CIFSC. This grade is attributed for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Performance for FDP Balanced Portfolio, Series A for the period ending December 31, 2019 is as follows: 15.20% (1 year), 5.70% (3 years), 5.63% (5 years), 6.16% (10 years) and 7.78% (since inception on March 31, 1978).

FDP Balanced Income Portfolio, Series A received the FundGrade A+® Award in the Canadian Fixed Income Balanced funds category, out of a total of 355 funds competing in this category as defined by the CIFSC. This grade is attributed for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Performance for FDP Balanced Income Portfolio, Series A for the period ending December 31, 2019 is as follows: 11.75% (1 year), 4.72% (3 years), 4.29% (5 years) and 4.64% (since inception on October 28, 2010).

FDP Global Equity Portfolio, Series A received the FundGrade A+® Award in the Global Equity funds category, out of a total of 1100 funds competing in this category as defined by the CIFSC. This grade is attributed for the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. Performance for FDP Global Equity Portfolio, Series A for the period ending December 31, 2019 is as follows: 23.47% (1 year), 12.19% (3 years), 11.49% (5 years), 10.72%(10 years) and 6.75% (since inception on April 29, 2005).

About Professionals’ Financial

Professionals’ Financial offers private management products and services, financial planning solutions, as well as a complete range of mutual funds. Established in 1978 by and for professionals, Professionals’ Financial is committed to keeping its management fees among the lowest in the Canadian market. It is affiliated with the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec, the Association des chirurgiens-dentistes du Québec, the Corporation de service de la Chambre des notaires, the Association des architectes en pratique privée du Québec and the Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires. Thanks to this affiliation, Professionals’ Financial is uniquely positioned in terms of impartiality, representation of its clients’ interests and market performance.


Source :
Professional’s Financial – Mutual Funds inc.

Information and interview

Sonia Bergeron    Picto_icone_enveloppe_mailto
Senior Director, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
Financière des professionnels,
2, Complexe Desjardins
East Tower, 31stFloor, P.O. Box 1116
Montréal, Québec  H5B 1C2
Telephone : 514 350-5058 /1 888 377-7337

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in an FDP Portfolio. Please read the prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns, including changes in portfolio value and reinvestment of all distributions, but do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by an investor that would have reduced returns. The funds’ units are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. FDP Portfolios are not guaranteed, their value changes frequently, and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns.

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