Financière des professionnels
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Our Conflicts of Interest Policy

Actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest exist in almost all human interactions. Our relationship with you is no different. We consider a potential conflict of interest to be any circumstance in which our interests or those of our representatives or employees could be incompatible or divergent with the interests of our clients or others who use our services.

Identification and management of conflicts of interest

The Financial takes reasonable steps to identify existing material conflicts of interest, as well as those that are reasonably foreseeable. A “material conflict of interest” would be a conflict that could reasonably be expected to affect a client’s decisions or the recommendations or decisions of the Financial. We manage all material conflicts of interest in the best interests of our clients and disclose such conflicts of interest to them in writing. In addition, the Financial avoids any material conflict of interest that it is unable to manage in the best interests of a client.

Description of the Professionals' Financial

Professionals’ Financial – Mutual Funds Inc. and Professionals’ Financial – Private Management Inc. are wholly owned by Professionals’ Financial Inc.  Professionals’ Financial – Mutual Funds Inc. is a portfolio manager and a mutual fund dealer which manages the funds of its family of funds and which offers financial planning advisory services. Professionals’ Financial – Private Management Inc. is an investment dealer member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (CIRO) and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) which offers portfolio management services. FDP and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of Professionals’ Financial Inc. and are registered and/or used in Canada. Used under licence from Professionals Financial Inc.

Management of conflicts of interest

Although the Financial’s corporate structure and business activities do not favor the existence of conflicts of interest, real or apparent conflicts of interest may occur under certain circumstances. The general types of conflicts of interest which can arise are:

  • Conflicts of interest between you and the Financial,
  • Conflicts of interest between you and our other clients of the Financial, and
  • Conflicts of interest between us and the Financial’s associated companies.
Our Approach

The Financial manages material conflicts of interest in the best interests of clients by the following actions:

  • Avoidance: We avoid both prohibited conflicts of interest and those that cannot be effectively controlled in the best interests of clients by other means.
  • Control: In some cases, we can adequately manage important conflicts of interest in the best interests of clients using various controls.
  • Disclosure: We provide all our clients with relevant information on material conflicts of interest that we have identified as well as the measures employed to manage them so that our clients benefit from all the relevant information on the methods used by the Financial to manage material conflicts of interest in the best interests of clients.

The information in the following boxes is intended to assist you in understanding and assessing material potential and actual conflicts of interest, including how we address them. This is an overview of a complex subject.

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