Financière des professionnels
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  • 25 September 2020
  • 25 September 2020
    Invest, Plan
    Save to achieve your life projects

    Savings, as you know, are a tool. Not an end in itself, but a way to make your life plan come true.

  • 05 November 2019
    Manage, Plan
    Holiday budget: Giving without breaking the bank

    A holiday budget A budget is easy to make and it can help you manage the situation and avoid surprises. Start with a list of items to include, such as: Gifts (family, friends, teachers, hosts, etc.) Food (family meals, meals with friends, restaurant meals, etc.) Entertainment (outings with the children, clothes for the Holidays, etc.) […]

  • 29 September 2019
    Having a big family: You can afford it!

    Nowadays, we speak of a big family when a couple has three or more children. If this is your case now or if it is one of your cherished dreams, you must already know that such a situation poses many challenges, including from a financial standpoint.

  • 04 June 2019
    Planning your summer vacation

    How much do you want to spend? You’ve worked hard all year and you really want to treat yourself this summer by increasing your vacation budget, because you deserve it! Calculate all the costs of your trip and add a few dollars because it’s easy to give in to temptation on the spur of the […]

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